” Kousuke Fujiki, born in 1851, had worked as a migrant worker from a young age. In 1890, he was recruited by Dr. Jokichi Takamine to brew whiskey in the United States. He performed the Dekansho-bushi at a Japan and U.S. exchange party in 1981 and received much applause from the audience. It was the first time the Dekansho-bushi was performed outside of Japan.”
- Tamba Toji :The Masters of Sake Production.Promotion Movie.
- Interview:TOJI Nakagawa Hiroki 「 What’s TAMBA TOJI? The Masters of Sake Production」
- Interview: Brewery owner Nishio Kazuma「 What’s TAMBA TOJI? The Masters of Sake Production」
- Interview: TOJI Fuji Takao「 What’s TAMBA TOJI? The Masters of Sake Production」
- Interview:Brewery owner Kariba Kazutatsu 「 What’s TAMBA TOJI? The Masters of Sake Production」
- Seibee Ichihara
- Kosuke Fujiki
- Yosaku Tamba
- Sasayama Castle Ruins
- South Umadashi,East Umadashi
- Aoyama Shrine
- Onae Giku (chrysanthemum) and chrysanthemum festival
- Sasayama shopping district
- Kawaramachi Tsumairi Merchant Housing District
- Okachimachi Samurai Houses(The Former Samurai Quarter)
- Anma Historic Museum
- Historical Artifacts Museum
- Aoyama Historical Village
- Noh Performance
- Kasuga Shrine Noh Stage
- Sasayama Railroad
- Ojiyama Inari
- Ojiyama pottery
- Yakami Castle
- Sasayama Primary School and Yakami Primary School
- Yasuda Cedar tree
- Town scape of Fukusumi
- Buryo Nishio
- Tamba Pottety
- Maruyama Village
- Taki mountain range
- Shiragatake and Mt. Matsuo
- Sasami Shijyu-hattaki water falls
- Tamba Tea and Daikokuji Temple
- Kumobe Kurumazuka Tomb
- Kumobe Kurumazuka Tomb
- Hioki Hadakagaya
- Fir tree in Otte shrine
- Sasayama Castletown Hotel “NIPPONIA”
- Sakon Shrine Festival
- Trumpet ginkgo
- Children’s Museum
- Large Chinese coke oak
- Tamba black soybeans and Kuromame no Yakata
- Zelkova tree
- Three major strange festivals in Sasayama
- Former site of Regiment and Agricultural College
- Ikejiri shrine Muppet kyogen play and kids Noh performance
- Hot springs
- Minazuki Festival
- Tokoji Temple and Maple Festival
- Hassaku Festival
- Furuichi town scape and Sougenji temple
- Hokabe Shrine Gion-san
- Sasaba Shrine Festival
- Futamura Shrine Festival
- Kasuga Shrine Festival
- Kasuga Shrine Festival
- Ohshoin(Large Administrative Chamber)