Surrounded by mountiains, the Genfukei of Japan, whichi is said to be one of the old and impressive scenery of the Japanese people is still left in Sasayama.
Due to the climates in Sasayama, a lot of nationally well-known local proudcuts are being produced, such as Tamba Sasayama Black Beans, Tamba Sasayama Yam, and Tamba chestnuts.
- Riesige japanische Sicheltanne in Yasuda
- Die Stadtbild von Fukusumi
- Gemeinde Maruyama
- Takigebirge
- Berg Shiragatake und Berg Matsuoyama
- Der Wasserfall “Sasami Shijuhachitaki”
- Der japanische Kuchenbaum
- Hadakagaya (die nackte Nußeibe) in Hioki
- Der Tannenbaum in Otteschrein
- Sasayama Burgstadt Hotel Nipponia
- Rappaicho (Trometenginko) vom Tempel Ioji
- Childrensmuseum
- Ohabemaki (chinesische Korkeiche) in Kamitachikui
- Schwarzbohnen von Tambasasayama und Kuromame-no-Yakata (Schwarzbohnenhaus)
- Die Zerkove in Zunbara
- Thermalbäder in Sasayama
- Stadtbild von Furuichi und Tempel Sohgenji